- The school hours are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (for classes I to V) and from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. (for classes VI to XII) from Monday to Friday. School hours for Saturdays are 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
- Staff and students are required to reach the school by at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of school time.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without the principal’s permission.
- Pupils coming late to school lose the benefit of their attendance for the day concerned. They will not be allowed to enter the class without the permission of the principal. If late more than five times as per the due warning, parents will have to give a written explanation to the principal.
The required percentage of attendance is a must for the pupil to appear for the annual examination.
- It is the responsibility of parents to see that their children are not prone to leave-taking. Leave will be granted only in exceptional cases, and prior sanction must be obtained unless in an emergency or on medical grounds.
- Withdrawal of the children from classes during school time is not permitted. Only in cases of extreme emergencies may students be allowed to leave school with their parents’ written approval for the day.
- Any damage to the property of the school caused by the student will have to be compensated by the parent.
- The school reserves the right to call or write to the parents of the pupil whose diligence or progress in studies is consistently unsatisfactory, whose conduct is harmful to other students, or whose parents show little or no interest in the progress of their wards.
- The students should attend school in the prescribed uniform, which should be proper, clean, and well-pressed. Students who are not smartly dressed may be sent home.
- Every student must behave respectfully towards the members of the staff and their schoolmates.
- Home assignments should be done regularly and carefully and submitted at the stipulated time.
- No student is allowed to bring mobile phones, digital and smart watches, or other electronic gadgets.
- The school premises should be kept clean and tidy. No packaged food is allowed on the school campus. It is the duty of the students to keep the classrooms absolutely clean.
- Students behavior should be gentle, polite, and courteous at all times and in all places, both inside and outside the school. No shouting or whistling is permitted on the school campus.
- Every student must be acquainted with the rules and regulations of the school given in this set of rules, besides the timely instructions given by the authorities through public announcements, notices, mobile applications, etc.